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The Butte-Silver Bow Chamber of Commerce is striving to become the focal point for our Butte community through advocacy and action. The Chamber is focused to create success for and the growth of area businesses. The vision is to create a prosperous business community by empowering the businesses to be pro-active, make an investment in the community, become knowledgeable and involved in all areas of community issues, and to use the talents and resources to build a stronger community and enhance the quality of life in Butte. Our ability to retain our sense of community and our loyalty to our community are our strongest assets. Working together we can maintain those traditions we love and have come to cherish while improving the economic vitality and quality of life through prosperity and growth. We invite our local community members and businesses to join the “Winning Team,” Team Butte, to ensure a bright and strong economic future for Butte.

tourism tourist attraction tourist information chamber of commerce


Opening Hours

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Friday 09:00 am to 05:00 pm

Meet the Executive Director

Profle Picture Stephanie Sorini Executive Director

Executive Director

Butte America puzzle was created by artist Eric Dowdle wwwbutteamericapuzzlecom56.85 mi

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