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The Dillon Jaycees is a grassroots organization that is dedicated to preserving and improving our community through civic projects, promoting youth activities, community engagement, and training the next generation of community and business leaders. We believe that building a prosperous and engaged community will benefit all, and that service to humanity is the best work of life.

Our Vision
A community where our youth are the most valuable resource, and the fellowship of our community transcends our differences. A place with a prosperous economy and vibrant community.


Opening Hours

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Saturday 01:00 pm to 07:00 pm

Meet the Treasurer/Advertising

Profle Picture Jason Schumacher Treasurer/Advertising

The Dillon Jaycees is a grassroots organization that is dedicated to preserving and improving our community through civic projects, promoting youth activities, community engagement, and training the next generation of community and business leaders. We believe that building a prosperous and engaged community will benefit all, and that service to humanity is the best work of life.

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