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Sidewinders American Grill
Sidewinders American Grill
Sidewinders American Grill
84.33Miles Away


Founded by a group of US Marine Veterans, Sidewinders is a welcoming, family-friendly restaurant that serves as a gathering place for the community. We want our employees and customers to be proud to call Sidewinders their spot. At Sidewinders, people come first, and we strive to make each person’s day better by exceeding their expectations through exceptional hospitality, good food, and first-class service. Every person who walks through the door is a valued guest that we are honored to serve.

In planning for the first Sidewinders, located in Jackson, Joe reached out to his Marine Corps and Army friends to partner with him. Sidewinders is founded on the Marine Corps values of “leaders eat last” and you “take care of your people.” If you look around the restaurant, you will notice our dedication to our Marine principles. We hope you will experience that in our service, as well. Our team strives to exceed your expectations every time you walk through the door.

We look forward to serving you, and we are happy to call Bozeman our new home.

Bar food restaurant


Opening Hours

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Thursday 11:30 am to 10:00 pm

Meet the Owners

Profle Picture Joe & Denise Rice Owners

Blue collar restaurant group is a family-run organization that always puts service first.

Our goal each day is to improve people’s lives and create places where they feel appreciated. For our customers, that means we are attentive and friendly, while serving delicious food and drinks. If we see someone having a bad day, we do something to make it better. We treat people like ... more

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