HELENA — A town hall on Thursday evening with Helena Public Schools left Hawthorne Elementary School parents, staff, and students with more questions than answers.
"I have got to find ways in our budget that I can take care of our staff and our students across this district," said Rex Weltz, Helena Public Schools superintendent.
Superintendent Weltz recommended the school closure on Tuesday to the HPS's board of trustees.
Hannah Warhank, a parent of a Hawthorne student, said, "The frustration that I had with him presenting that plan on Tuesday was that there was no information. There was no number of how much money, if any, the district would save. There was no plan on where the kids would go."

Those questions remain after the Thursday evening meeting, but Weltz says he is working to get those answers.
Some parents say the levies that failed in May are the district's fault for campaigning them for technology and safety.
"That's what we voted against, and now you are telling us, the community, that it's our fault that this is all happening. I'm tired of the blame-shifting. Take responsibility for you guys not passing that levy," said one woman.

Parents also said that Weltz's handling of the recommendation has led to mistrust.
One parent said, "We're making decisions, it sounds like, without information or your withholding information."
Superintendent Weltz apologized for stating his recommendation to close the school publicly before he made it to the board.
He said, "I did not want it to happen that way. It just rolled out."

Weltz repeatedly said that he believes what he is recommending is for the best of the district.
"Sometimes I have to make hard decisions in areas so that the greater good of the district is flourishing," Weltz said.

The next discussion of Hawthorne Elementary School's possible closure is expected to be at the next board of trustees meeting.
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